Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Mobile App Life Hacks : Photography

For the second installment of my new series, Mobile App Life Hacks, I will focus on all things photography! I use a lot of photography apps for work and fun and have discovered that these apps make my life easier when I need to post an image on the fly. So let''s jump right in!

Photo Apps
My Life Hack Photo apps are PhotoWonder, Picstitch, Camera +, and Instagram. By now, I'm pretty sure everyone has the gist of Instagram so I won't go into detail about that. But for photo effects, Instagram changed the game on how big social networks like Facebook and Twitter allowed users to upload their pictures.

PhotoWonder is my one stop photo editing shop. It has EVERYTHING, and even things you really don't need at all. This app is a creation from Japan which you can definitely tell with the sticker option additions and other features. But outside all that, you get the best photo editing techniques I have ever seen outside of Photoshop. Just upload your picture and you can adjust the lighting, eliminate unnecessary imperfections using the makeup tools, and choose lighting effects and frames you'd find in Instagram. After saving it to your camera roll, your pics are ready to rock. I use this all the time when pics out with friends have bad lighting or I need to feature products from our stores for work on our social accounts. What I like best about this app for work is when snapping pictures of food there is always a stray crumb I forgot to move out of the way and using the makeup tools under beautify you can remove it like it was never there. Here's snap shot examples featuring my lovely dog.
Beauty Fixes even removing dark circles! 
Lighting Fixes

PicStitch is my go to storyteller. For social media, one simple post tells the brand story. When covering events or talking about new products, stitching pictures together to tell the story is very powerful. This app makes it so easy and it's free. Just pull the pics from your camera roll, choose the layout design you prefer, and you have your image! Here's an example of what I did when celebrating a work event:
Camera+ is one of the best camera apps I have found to make up for the lack of camera function upgrades apple has made to their iPhone. This app costs $1.99 but in the long run it has been worth it for me. When it comes to dark shots needing a flash, this app always delivers. And when you want to capture that selfie with your best friend in dark lighting AND be able to actually see what your taking, this app has a flash that reflects off the screen to capture the image. I don't know how it does it, but I'll chalk it up to simply magic lol. Examples while at two different concerts:

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